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China Brick Machine

Cement brick machine frequency converter troubleshooting method

As is known to all, frequency conversion device is modern intelligent brick complete sets of equipment in the control system can not be access to form a complete set of equipment, its precision is high, generally difficult to fail, but when the operator improper operation, overload, or when the environment is very bad, will seriously affect the frequency converter, causing them to produce all kinds of faults. Of course, there are many maintenance methods of frequency converter equipment, the common alarm parameter inspection method, ratio inspection method, spare board replacement inspection method, isolation inspection method, visual inspection method and principle analysis method, and more than ten methods. Today silver horse xiaobian to discuss with you is the principle of analysis.

ONNOH cement brick machine industry technical personnel said that the principle of analysis is the most fundamental method of troubleshooting, other inspection methods are difficult to work, you can start from the basic principles of the circuit, step by step to check, and finally find out the cause of the fault. Using this method must have a clear understanding of the principle of the circuit, master the logic level and characteristic parameters (such as voltage value, waveform) of each point at each time, and then use a multimeter, oscilloscope measurement, and compared with the normal situation, analyze and judge the cause of the fault, narrow the fault range, until the fault is found.

ONNOH cement brick-making machine technicians point out that the inspection of the fault frequency converter should be from outside to inside, from the outside to the inside, from static to dynamic, and from the main loop to the control loop. The following three checks are generally required. Use a multimeter to test the diode characteristics and three-phase balance characteristics of the output terminals for the DC positive and negative terminals respectively. This step can preliminarily determine the quality of the inverter module, so as to determine whether the output can be unloaded. If there is a phase short circuit or unbalanced state, it can not be unloaded output.

Open the cover and observe. If no problem is found in the above two steps, open the casing, remove dust, and carefully observe whether there is damage in the inverter, whether there are charred parts, whether the capacitor leaks, etc.

ONNOH cement brick machine technical personnel said that although there are many ways to repair the frequency converter, but the maintenance personnel are not familiar with, do not understand the situation or should be cautious use. In addition, remember that no matter when the enterprise technical personnel and maintenance personnel should further study and master the relevant knowledge, and lay a good foundation for the maintenance knowledge of frequency converter equipment.

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