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concrete machine news

Stabilized soil plant mixing equipment precautions for high temperature operation

Precautions for high temperature operation of stabilized soil plant mixing equipment
Now it has entered the hot summer. Although the city has cooled down a lot after the rain, it will return to the state of continuous high temperature. For stabilized soil plant mixing equipment for outdoor operation, pay more attention to operation in high temperature environment to avoid machine failure and personnel heatstroke.
1. Reasonably arrange working hours and reduce labor intensity. Forklift drivers should try not to work at the time of the highest temperature in the day, pay attention to drinking more water and arrange personnel to work alternately.
2. Prepare heatstroke prevention drugs, such as Rendan, cooling oil and essential balm. Check the heatstroke prevention and cooling articles of each worker. In case of heatstroke, deal with it in time and strengthen rest.
3. Strengthen heatstroke prevention and cooling on the site. Since the stabilized soil plant mixing equipment is mostly operated in the open air, the site shall be watered every other hour to reduce the temperature. Keep the water required for mixing concrete at normal temperature, so that the quality of concrete can be guaranteed. Try to avoid exposure of all equipment to the sun, frequently check the heat dissipation of electrical circuits and motors, and refuel relevant equipment in time.
4. Let the mixing plant "combine work and rest" and shut down for rest after working for a period of time. Timely overhaul the mixer truck transporting concrete, start it in a cool and ventilated place as far as possible, and regularly check the tires to cool the concrete tank truck.
5. Do a good job in the fire prevention of the concrete mixing plant. Because the high temperature and hot weather is very dry, the fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment must be carefully checked, and the emergency plan for stabilized soil plant mixing equipment must be prepared

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